What My Colleagues Say about Me

Gavin at Disney's Animal Kingdom

Quote on Excellence

From Sir Booker T. Washington

"Any man's life will be filled with constant and unexpected encouragement if he makes up his mind to do his level best each day."

Arts Administrator | Conductor | Vocal Coach | Songwriter/Composer
I have had the privilege of working under the supervision of Gavin Gaynair for the past 5 years at Miami Union Adventist Academy. As an administrator, Gavin has been in tune with the needs of not only the students but the teachers and support staff as well. He excels in team building and development skills. He is a visionary who gives clear instructions and who also leads by example. It is not unique or strange to see him constantly around the school working on a personal project to uplift school spirit and morale or spearheading a project effort that he has created. Gavin is a diligent and organized worker. His attention to detail helps to create order and a structure that keeps things running smoothly at our school. He is inclusive and gives those under his supervision the opportunity to make suggestions and bring ideas to the table. Since his elevation to the role of Vice Principal of Miami Union Adventist Academy, the school has seen a rise in the numbers of their enrollment and teachers and support staff, upgrades to the facility, funds received for school supplies, and a boosted sense of pride in the school. I know that Gavin would be a wonderful asset to any company that is looking to hire him in the future.
Gavin Gaynair is a gifted educator who is committed to excellence for students and educators, alike. His approach to problem solving allows all parties to feel heard and the results are based on principle.
Mr. Gaynair is a highly qualified and skilled team player who is committed to building and maintaining a professional environment for his staff and colleagues. Under his leadership teachers have grown academically. His quest to provide ongoing professional development for his teachers has aided tremendously in their professional growth. Personally, I am very appreciative of the high level of professionalism he demonstrated during his service at Miami Union Adventist Academy and to the Southeastern Conference Office of Education. I therefore highly recommend Mr. Gavin Gaynair as an excellent professional, outstanding leader and educator.
Edwin Silie, M.Ed.
There is more to Mr. Gaynair than I could say in 3,000 words. I have had the opportunity to work with and know Mr. Gaynair for over 10 years. During this time, we have worked together as teachers and also as administrators. He is a committed, well-educated, well-researched, experienced educator and leader. He is someone his peers look up to because he is always willing to go the extra mile, and then ten miles after that. He is able to take programs and revive them with new up-to-date practices, technologies, and methods. He has a passion that is found in only a few people today. His knowledge and experience go way beyond the classroom and administration. He is very fluent in finances, taxes, video editing, photography, and online marketing. He is an avid mountain biker, world traveler, missionary, and adventurer. If you are in need of a well-rounded individual, flexible, and capable of achieving anything he puts his mind to, look no further than Gavin Gaynair.
Gavin is an experienced leader with an outstanding work ethic. Gavin has a knack for seeing the big picture and understanding the perspectives of all involved. He performs his tasks thoroughly, and he pays attention to details. Gavin and I trained in college together, and it was there that I saw how wholeheartedly he commits to his work. Though we have not worked at the same organizations at the same time, I have worked with organizations after he moved on from them, and I was proud to have known him, for everyone spoke very highly of his initiative, hard work, and great people skills. What is most impressive about Gavin are his work ethic, temperament, and empathy. Gavin has demonstrated the ability to solve challenging problems with professionalism, care, and fairness. Though Gavin seems quiet and placid, he is also a powerhouse. He leaves a lasting, positive imprint wherever he goes. It is without reservation that I recommend Gavin for any leadership or managerial position. He will get the job done, and he will deal with people fairly.
Pastor Cesar Perozo
Gavin is an exceptional individual who brings an array of talents to the table. He is an ultimate professional, displaying critical thinking skills and proficiency. Gavin is able to interact with anyone because of his interpersonal skills. I know he will present a positive image to any endeavors which he may undertake. It is without any hesitation that I can strongly recommend Gavin to you and your organization.
Gavin with two Miami Union staff members.
Gavin and two Miami Union teachers
Gavin with two Miami Union staff members.
Rhyanne Carrington
Gavin is a highly effective education consultant who has a combination of knowledge, skills, and experience. He stays up-to-date with industry trends and best practices. Education is a constantly evolving field, it is essential for him to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, best practices, and research.
Gavin clearly communicates with clients, stakeholders, and colleagues. He is one who listens actively asks insightful questions and articulates his ideas and recommendations in a concise and compelling manner. He coaches in a meaningful and caring manner to extend growth and to ensure reflection takes place. Gavin establishes trust and builds a strong relationship and rapport with all he works with.
He specializes in many areas of education such as curriculum development, teacher training, trends in education, school culture, equity in education, analyzing data to drive instructions and school growth, and education technology just to name a few.
Gavin is a continuous learner who is committed to lifelong learning and professional development and encourages others to do the same.
Baldwin English, Esq.
My path crossed with Mr. Gaynair while he was an assistant principal at my children's school in Miami. I believe it was his first administrative role (although I could be mistaken) and he did a tremendous job for the school and the students while he was there. During his leadership, he accomplished a few items of note. First, he led the process of overhauling the school's handbook - modernizing it and making it relevant to today's challenges and opportunities. Second, he formalized paths to success for our students that included college-level courses, allowing our students to graduate with college credits. Further, and probably most of all, even as he headed up the Disciplinary Committee, he developed a remarkable bond with the students. The students loved and cared for Mr. Gaynair and it was evident that he reciprocated those feelings.
From my perspective, he has left MUAA with the highest of recommendations. I know that as he has transitioned into this new role, he will provide value to organizations that will engage his services.
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